LeBit Labels

โดย LeBit Software & Consult GmbH

Upgraded labeling capabilities with automation and selection features.

Extended labels for Business Central

Revolutionize Labeling: LeBit's Dynamic Labels Empower You to Customize, Streamline, and Excel!

Inaccurate labeling of information on articles, batches, serial numbers, or carriers can lead to disruptions in company processes and customer interactions. The evolving requirements, where customers provide label designs and barcode contents, pose a challenge. Some customers prefer machine-readable labeling with accompanying data specifications. Meeting these diverse demands can be complex.

What Do I Get?

LeBit Labels offers the solution. Users can create dynamic labels for various data types, determining the contents themselves. The application seamlessly integrates these labels, following customer preferences, into the workflow. The Label Designer directly accesses relevant tables in the ERP system, presenting them in clear text or various barcode formats. Marked information is stored as data, available to customers as a file or through live API delivery.

Why Would I Want?

Efficiency is key. LeBit Labels streamline the labeling process, ensuring compliance with customer specifications. The dynamic nature of the labels accommodates varied data requirements. The direct integration with ERP systems provides real-time, accurate information representation, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall operational efficiency.

How Will It Help Me?

LeBit Labels not only meet diverse customer demands but also enhance operational control. The ability to create dynamic labels allows for flexibility, adapting to evolving industry standards and customer preferences. The direct access to ERP system tables ensures accuracy, reducing the likelihood of errors in labeling. With information stored as data, customers can access it conveniently, either as a file or through the API, facilitating smoother collaboration and information exchange. This solution thus ensures a seamless and efficient labeling process tailored to individual customer needs.

Ready to elevate your labeling game and embrace a new era of customization and efficiency? LeBit Labels is your key to precision and flexibility. Try it today and experience the seamless evolution of labeling processes!

Supported Editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Supported Languages:

German and English
